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catch 22

  • n.悖论式困境
catch 22catch 22
  1. It 's a Catch 22 situation here . Nobody wants to support you until you 're successful , but without the support how can you ever be successful ?


  2. Catch 22 Problem and Its Solution Scheme


  3. On the Existentialist Theme and Black Humor of Catch 22 ;


  4. First , there is the Catch 22 of wanting people with experience , which is opposed to increasing diversity .


  5. His first novel Catch 22 is regarded as the representative work of black humor and the pioneering novel of postmodernism .


  6. The love-hate relationship shared between paparazzi and celebrities will forever be a catch 22 .


  7. Joseph Heller is a well-known American black humor writer . His novel Catch 22 is a piece of the contemporary American classic , which is always included in the top sale list .


  8. And the tablet has to perform beautifully because of an ugly catch 22 : mobile devices become popular with consumers largely because of the available applications , but app developers only work on devices that are popular with consumers .


  9. The Catch - 22 of his administration was that every grandiose improvement scheme began with community dismemberment ( Village Voice )
